What is the cost of delivery and how long will it take to receive my item?

Postage is currently included in the price of the item. We use Royal Mail's Special Delivery service which typically takes between 1-2 days, not including weekends & bank holidays.

An additional charge for international delivery will be an added at checkout.

How do you know if an item is authentic?

All items are guaranteed authentic. All brands are externally authenticated by a professional third party authentication company. Mulberry is authenticated in house however, we are happy to provide an authentication certificate upon request.

Do you offer any type of payment plan?

As most items are being sold on consignment, payment plans cannot be offered.

How do you source your items?

The majority of our items for sale are being sold on consignment, on behalf of clients. If this is something, you would like to do, please see the "Sell with us" tab at the top of this page.

How can I sell my items?

Please click on the "Sell with us" tab at the top of the page to provide your information and we will be in touch.

How can I find out about new items before they are put on the website?

All new items that are coming soon are shown via our Instagram page in "Stories". These items are typically uploaded within 24-48 hours of the coming soon story being posted.

Is there a waiting list for items or can you source items?

Unfortunately, due to the amount of requests we receive, we are unable to offer either of these services at the moment.